Dec 5, 2008

about architectrio is the result of three young men and their drive to serve in the design community. Thomas Sylvia, Joseph Story, and Tim Racette have known each other for four years and attend Arizona State University. They each share a passion for design and together, formed architectrio early in 2007. All three have a great deal of new ideas to share with the design community.

Their individual strengths combine to serve as a company that can add significant value to your business. architectrio's spectacular customer relations are the result of these three's commitment to delivering outstanding results to their clients.

architectrio facilitates the bond between designer and client. Through our 3D architectural renderings we are able to bring design to life. We will work with your design firm from the conceptual design phase through the end of the project to help bring 3D visual context to the design. Let our firm help you build design aware clients.